Sunday, October 16, 2011

Shibuya Shopping: Wakatsuki Chinatsu

I so wanted this dress at WC!
but the 8000yen price tag gave me second thoughts about buying it...
This is Shibuya, and if you look straight ahead you'll see the fashion shopping district:

October 1st, 2011 was the opening day of this new store, WC.
It's the shop of Wakatsuki Chinatsu, a famous Japanese actress.
It was still brand new so very crowded even on a Monday... 
(I had to wait a while to get this shot without girls coming and going through the doors)

I thought this was cute too, but for 8000yen? ($95)  I was proud of myself that I have a very similar skirt I bought in Australia for $16.

 I tried it on anyway...
 ...and then continued my shopping day...


  1. I love those dresses! You're so lucky that you have the japanese influence and get to shop in japan! that is a dream of mine. I'm glad to find your blog via mormon mom's with style!

    sherri from SHERRI AMOUR

  2. @ Sherri> Thanks Sherri♡ I'm glad to find your blog too! When I'm done with Shibuya I'll post on Harajuku - where the bargains are!
