Saturday, October 22, 2011

Autumn 2011 Tokyo New Styles

This shopfront "Ingni" looked like a textbook example of the new styles I've seen proliferating since the beginning of October when the weather (finally) turned a little cooler.
Some of the major trends this Autumn in Japan are: 
  • Pencil pleated skirts with or without a belt, together with
  • Blouses with ribbons or bows on the front and round lacey collars.
  • New colours are deep red, camel, a browney-orangey colour that I don't know the name of, and brown. And of course those are teamed with black, white, cream and beige (neutral colours) which are always popular in Japan.
 Somehow the manequins just do it better than me...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Shibuya Shopping: Wakatsuki Chinatsu

I so wanted this dress at WC!
but the 8000yen price tag gave me second thoughts about buying it...
This is Shibuya, and if you look straight ahead you'll see the fashion shopping district:

October 1st, 2011 was the opening day of this new store, WC.
It's the shop of Wakatsuki Chinatsu, a famous Japanese actress.
It was still brand new so very crowded even on a Monday... 
(I had to wait a while to get this shot without girls coming and going through the doors)

I thought this was cute too, but for 8000yen? ($95)  I was proud of myself that I have a very similar skirt I bought in Australia for $16.

 I tried it on anyway...
 ...and then continued my shopping day...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Shibuya + Harajuku = my Wonderland!

This afternoon my dear husband looked after our son and I set off  by myself to visit Shibuya and Harajuku.  I had sooooo much fun and took so many photos.... I just can't wait to post about it all!  Sorry we're still travelling at the moment and with our 1-year-old I'm finding no time for blogging.  We'll be home next week so stay tuned!  
By the way, have you had a look at the "like to win" Giveaway?  I'm looking forward to sending prize packs of goods from Japan to 5 lucky readers.  Good luck!